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Thursday, January 5, 2012

'Contagion' Rewatch

Gonna go on a rant about 'Contagion'- a film I put on my top films of 2011 list before checking out for the second time. It just stuck with me in the theater, but frustrated me at the same time. Still it affected me more than most films, and watching it today I understand even more what stuck with me and what didn't work. It's not a perfect movie, but most aren't- and in a crappy year (in film, in general, 2011 was for the BIRDS) it stood out.

What REALLY stood out is the excellent synth-score by Cliff Martinez. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross won an Oscar for their masterful (and I don't throw that word around lightly) 'Social Network' score. The whole movie is pretty much the perfect film- or most perfect film I've seen. Easily favorite film of all time. Mad love for 'Social Network'. But what really made that movie pop and this one too, is the electro-synth-y score that sticks in your head. I thought one of the most disappointing aspects of the 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' score by TR/AR lacked as many really great grooves. I really want to see it again.

Back to 'Contagion'- the cast is great across the board too. Gwyneth Paltrow really makes an impression, as does Kate Winslet and relative unknown Jennifer Ehle. Steven Soderbourgh does well with large Hollywood casts- and I like these types of films. The only thread that feels unfinished would be Marion Cotillard's. But she does well despite.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top Films of 2011

So I've almost finalized my top films of 2011 list (like one of these lists is ever really 'final'). 'Shame' opens here next weekend and it's the last film I expect could have an impact on my list. Despite that here's the list.

This throwback to the 80's was more heartfelt and boisterous than I expected it to be. Less 'Dazed and Confused' for the 80s than I wanted it to be, but I highly enjoyed it on its own merits. The cast is spot-on & the look and music is more subtle than that poster would suggest. 

Here's the obligatory movie I walk out of disliking and as the days and weeks progressed I couldn't stop thinking about it. This movie was NOT what I walked in expecting. It was actually a bit more, and a bit polarizing to boot. The performances are strong across the board and Steven Soderbergh's direction is apt. The script is complex and doesn't always stop to give answers. And the final scene was extremely effective.

I've grown to appreciate this brilliant comedy more since it's release on DVD after being mildly disappointed with it in theaters. Kristen Wiig and the whole cast is just spot-on. Everyone has a natural, organic chemistry in this movie that makes the whole film effortlessly enjoyable. That it runs too long and could have been tightened, beside the point.

This is a subtly sinister film with deeply involving ideas about life and memories and how people identify themselves in this world. Elizabeth Olsen is great here, and should definitely garner an Oscar nomination. This is one of those indie films without easy answers that a lot of people ignore- and they should shouldn't.

This was a perfectly executed finale to this series. It tied up all the loose ends and brought some surprisingly emotional endings to these character's arcs. Notably my favorite character from the series, pictured above. His main scene here alone is just phenomenal and brings all that character's actions into focus in such an amazing way. If they had released this finale as one long epic 3 1/2-4 hour epic it would have been the top of this or last year's list. Splitting it did a disservice.

Charlize Theron OWNS this movie, and carries it in such a strong way. It's a totally original, and pathetic, character that I would actually like to see in another film. Patton Oswalt is also a standout.

Style AND substance? Gosling gives a unique performance here, rarely saying anything but extruding emotion at every turn. Carey Mulligan gives a subtly strong performance as well. The action is sudden and shocking in a way true violence always is. And Albert Brooks gives pathos to a seemingly unredeemable person. And of course I loved the 80s-ness of it all.

David Fincher is my favorite director and everything he's done here is great- but it's not 'Social Network'. Rooney Mara is GREAT in this movie- different and better than Noomi Raprice's representation in the Swedish version. And this is my favorite Daniel Craig performance since 'Casino Royale'. I'm actually not a fan of his, but he works well here. The score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, again, notches this up. 

Lars Von Trier's last film 'Antichrist' was not enjoyable. It was abrasive and angry and made me feel contempt for the director for putting it to screen and making Charlotte Gainesbourg do those awful things. But, 'Melancholia' is totally different. I love this film. I'd say Kirsten Dunst deserves the Best Actress of 2011 title for this role. It's so effective and raw, it's heartbreaking and truly a scary look at how deep depression can go. 

Just a phenomenal film. I still find myself thinking about it randomly. No film has ever captured the essence of life as effectively as this film. If you don't have the patience for it, too bad for you. I understand how people dislike this film, but disagree with them at every turn. Hands down the top film of the year.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 begins

So I hope everyone's New Years were successful. Mine was, for the most part. It's strange, once again I didn't realize we were counting down till "4". Although two midnight kisses felt good ;-) Things are just different. My life is different, New Years confirmed that for me in some weird way...I started the day with a Black Keys tune fest, declaring 'Things Ain't Like They Used to Be" my overall favorite Keys track.

Give it a listen, it's as soulful as Black Keys gets. They rock & roll with earnest.