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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So, I've always wanted to move to California. I've always told myself I couldn't for one reason or another. But it's finally happening. And I'm so happy for it. Sometimes, the worst things that happen to you can lead to the greatest opportunity- and maybe what you were missing all along. Thank God for a friend to finally come around that is ready to go as well. It's daunting to think about, but it's possible. And I'd rather go out there and struggle to make it than struggle to make it here. I don't have any aspirations to be "discovered" or anything. My desire to move to California has been instilled for a good chunk of my life.

In high school I'd day dream about moving away after it was all over. I found "love" and the dream never went away, it just went dormant. But sometimes things don't work out the way you expect them too...and now I'm coming to terms with the hand I've been dealt, and I finally see a bright shiny light (probably the glistening Cali sun on the beach)! I'm ready to completely go off on my own and live my life fully for me.

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