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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When Did Horror Decide to Rule Small Screen?!?

Okay seriously, 'The Walking Dead' is a damn good show. I watch this "midseason" finale thinking it was the real finale- and I'm oh so glad it's not. But, it was last week's episode that really sold me. What's with the penultimate episodes (yeah, the 'so-called' boring, "talky" ones that begin the unraveling of all the seasons secrets) that really win me over. The second to the last episode of season three in 'True Blood' is still my favorite. Every actor on that show was at the top of their game- delivering game-changing performances- this WHOLE season of 'Walking Dead' has been like that. Sort of AMC's way of reminding us they aren't a one-off ('Mad Men') station.

What comes out of AMC and the pay cable shows is where originality and quality have been able to flourish. What they are able to deliver week to week is really incredible sometimes, every episode of 'Walking Dead' this season was better than most mainstream movies. I'm intrigued by that picture above advertising the show says FOX instead of AMC. If 'Walking Dead' was on FOX it'd be playing Friday's at 10, not blowing basic cable prime time Sundays out of the water, that's for damn sure.

Speaking of big and bad ass, 'True Blood' proved itself to be one of the most original pieces of pop fiction right now with this most recent season. It is, incredible. It knows exactly what the audience wants (most the time) and DELIVERS week to week. Even it's weakest episodes are awesome somehow. And with the most recent finale (I won't be spoil-blogger) shows the show is not scared of doing whatever it takes to shock you. I was floored.

Other great shows out there...MAD MEN (as I mentioned) is so much better than you expect it to be each week. It's the show I most love to watch that I never want to watch. If that makes sense. It doesn't. Anyways, SHAMELESS, WEEDS & NURSE JACKIE are all great. 'Shameless' in particular, proved in one season it was ready for the major leagues. 'Weeds' and 'Nurse Jackie' do a balancing act of juggling story and characters and laughs and drama into 30 minute episodes. Ruining the momentum of any real week to week enjoyment. But GREAT with a whole season and a free weekend. I have a lot to say about television and various shows actually. I'll bring more up.

Deadmau5 Top 10: #3

It would be cool to be one of those bloggers out there in which people actually CARE to hear their thoughts/opinions (potential blog topic: favorite online journalists, critics, etc.). But alas, I'm revealing my third favorite Deadmau5 track a day earlier than expected like it'd actually matter. I'm ridiculous. But this song isn't...it's Deadmau5's ARGURU!

Until recently this has battled with 'Not Exactly' to be my absolute fave Mau5 track. Even though it's third, some days it's still first. I'd still call it the best PROGRESSIVE house track. One that really seems to just take you away (wherever that may be). Close your eyes, move your head then when it "drops"- open your eyes and start dancing.

Sometimes remixes make songs good...

Can movie remakes one-up the original's like remixed songs can one-up those originals? I think they can, but it's so much more difficult. This remix by Michael Woods, whom I enjoy, makes this crappy 'Born This Way' "extra track" into something worth listening to. Give it a spin if you like this type of music.

Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself

Although I plan to review the new Black Keys album next week, here's an excerpt from THIS REVIEW

"Though when it’s let out, it makes sure you know it, as displayed on album highlight Little Black Submarine. Starting off with a mournful acoustic guitar and an as impressive as ever vocal from Auerbach, coming on like a McCartneytrack from later period Beatles when he’d crack out an acoustic and some finger picking;Yesterday with more blues and soul. Slowly percussion and organ is layered in and as the track reaches its half way mark it seems to end, only for the electric, the fuzz and the full kit to kick in. Big, passionate and powerful, it’s a dramatic final half; big drums, big guitars, solos and the vocals carrying their message right through to you; ‘Everybody knows that a broken heart is blind.’"

Are you kidding me with this?

Previewing those 5 tracks from Black Keys new album I just posted...already in total love with one song. This band is the real deal nowadays.
"A broken heart is blind"
So, The Black Keys have just released 5 tracks off their CD coming out next week. You need to listen to it, trust. I love this band, it's so grounded and natural. It reminds me of great REAL music. I'm an electronic music fan for sure, but it takes less talent learning to mix sounds together (however awesome it is) than to play and instrument and create great music. I'm rambling...

Go here for the link and definitely ENJOY: 5 Songs from Next Week's 'El Camino'

Deadmau5 Top 10- #2

Okay, so back again to show the world my second favorite Deadmau5 song. I gave you all a glimpse on the last post of his awesome, self-titled "Professional Grief Machine" in action at Lollapalooza 2011. He performed in the rain, and the party never stopped. I should have been there...unfortunately I wasn't. But it was there he unveiled his new set, and this badass, empowering life-shattering song- throwing 'Hard, Better, Faster, Stronger" in there was just the cherry on top. Enjoy, and turn it up LOUD.
Not to mention, this homemade video is fucking bad ass as well...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Starting point...

So I'm creating this blog to finally just throw all my critiques and general opinions about everything that interests me- no holds barred. I'll post my movie reviews, music reviews, just general thoughts and spurts about entertainment/life things. First important fact about myself: Deadmau5 is my favorite artist. I finally have MY artist like my parents had, that they want to follow and enjoy for years to come. He introduced me to electronic music and made me a believer in it's sonic power. Listen to Deadmau5's 'Professional Griefers' and tell me you don't fell empowered.

CLICK THIS LINK! Professional Griefers LIVE Lolla 2011 HAVE MIND BLOWN!
In concert, it was unreal...
I was, sweating like a beast...#notgivinafuck

But I'm starting the blog off with an warm-up mission to truly get into the blogging spirit...a daily Top 10 of my absolute favorite Mau5 tunes that you absolutely MUST HEAR. They aren't going to be many of the big hits (although I definitely love 'Sofi Needs a Ladder' and 'Ghosts N Stuff' too!) but some you may not have heard and appreciated yet.

I'm starting off right at number ONE, because I'm all excited about starting an blog I truly plan to keep up with, hopefully, daily. So let's start with something special to me at least, and this is a recent change in the top spot. I just love 'Professional Griefers' with an undying fire. But lately, one Mau5 song has been flowing through my ears more than any other and, strangely, helping me through tough times. This music can really effect you- for better & worse (damn you A&B 'Group Therapy').

It's 'R My Dreams'- a totally hypnotic Mau5 song that is so alive and forward moving, yet makes you really think about shit (me: my recent past). It's just a-fucking-mazing and everyone should listen to it every day, like me. Like a dork.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Start of Something New

There was definitely a time in my life where I thought everything was going to be easy when I grew up. They were called my early teen years...in fact, I think that dreamer faze lasted up till college when I quickly realized I had nothing figured out and was, essentially, fucked. What was I going to do with my life? It took five years, and a lot of shit, to finally make me realize what it was I needed to do with my life if I was stuck in a wasteland like Kentucky. But this isn’t about declaring my future career choice- it’s about life, and how sometimes you really do get handed lemons.

Work it. Make it. Do it. Makes us. Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.

I’ve recently discovered someone I want to call an inspiration. Someone who came from  nothing special (at, all) and has begun to create a empire off her success. I feel somewhat, I dunno, ashamed (?) looking up to a female in this way. But I digress, she definitely turns me on too despite her age. Chelsea Handler, where have you been all my life? She’s fucking hysterical, says what she wants, does what she wants, and gets paid for doing it all. She’s absolutely ridiculous in all the best ways. Now that my “one true love” has revealed herself to be less than such, I finally have decided to let go of the past and embrace my future- as soon as I get my license back.
She makes me look at many things differently and has really made me start to forget being upset and angry about being myself- but actually want to embrace it. I, am an asshole. But I’m not one of those spiteful, dick-for-the-sake-of-it assholes. No, I’m genuine in my care and compassion for people around me. Despite shortcomings, I was raised, from my perspective, fairly well. I mean, no parent is perfect, but I’ve developed a strong sense of how I’m supposed to live my life. Specifics, get fuzzy.
One thing Ive experienced recently, that I never plan to experience again, is getting a DUI. Getting a DUI certainly can wake a person up to the type of reckless behavior they partake in. I don’t just look at drinking and driving differently, but everything reckless I do. No, I’m not going to stop doing many of those reckless things (drinking and driving definitely however)- I’m just gonna to be a lot less RECKLESS with it. You can be bad, just don’t get caught. And don’t get me started on my thoughts about the “law”- it’s a fucking joke, and is about nothing other than money. It has no bearing whether you are a genuinely good person  or not, for the most part. 

When in jail I witnessed a fellow inmate get irate when he was being transferred from holding to the “old jail” rather than the “new jail”. I was perplexed, ‘Aren’t you worried about being in jail again, period?’ Why did this idiot have a PREFERENCE of what jail he went to? Let’s try NOT going to jail moron. In the eight or so hours I sat there waiting patiently for this fresh hell to end, I couldn’t help but kick myself and think about everything in my life I felt had gotten me to that point. About two hours in I had realzied it and was officially over it. How in the hell could someone spend YEARS in jail/prison? I was losing my mind after five hours. A month and I’d hang myself.

Some of these people were far too comfortable in their predicaments. Laughing? What could you possibly be happy about? You are in JAIL. Life sucks, shut the hell up. And yes you can have my food, just get the hell away from me.

Leaving jail, I realized that life can be so much worse. I used to hate driving, but having your license taken away makes you realize just how luxurious it is to be able to get into your car at any point and just GO. I need some weed, GO. I need to go to work, GO. What does the “law” expect a person to do if they have a job and responsibilities and can’t drive to those things. Louisville isn’t New York or Chicago. The closest bus stop is like 10-15 miles away...and I’m not biking to it. It was a first offense, I’m paying out close to $1,000 in fines and going to AA meetings that don’t apply to me at all. Isn’t that enough? Seriously. I understand DUI 2 is another story. The people cutting up in jail and complaining about whether they are going to the new or old jail deserve to be there- because for them, sadly, that is some sort of better alternative. But Judge, look at me, do I look like a threat t society? Throw a guy a bone.

See, she always knows exactly what to say.