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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Starting point...

So I'm creating this blog to finally just throw all my critiques and general opinions about everything that interests me- no holds barred. I'll post my movie reviews, music reviews, just general thoughts and spurts about entertainment/life things. First important fact about myself: Deadmau5 is my favorite artist. I finally have MY artist like my parents had, that they want to follow and enjoy for years to come. He introduced me to electronic music and made me a believer in it's sonic power. Listen to Deadmau5's 'Professional Griefers' and tell me you don't fell empowered.

CLICK THIS LINK! Professional Griefers LIVE Lolla 2011 HAVE MIND BLOWN!
In concert, it was unreal...
I was, sweating like a beast...#notgivinafuck

But I'm starting the blog off with an warm-up mission to truly get into the blogging spirit...a daily Top 10 of my absolute favorite Mau5 tunes that you absolutely MUST HEAR. They aren't going to be many of the big hits (although I definitely love 'Sofi Needs a Ladder' and 'Ghosts N Stuff' too!) but some you may not have heard and appreciated yet.

I'm starting off right at number ONE, because I'm all excited about starting an blog I truly plan to keep up with, hopefully, daily. So let's start with something special to me at least, and this is a recent change in the top spot. I just love 'Professional Griefers' with an undying fire. But lately, one Mau5 song has been flowing through my ears more than any other and, strangely, helping me through tough times. This music can really effect you- for better & worse (damn you A&B 'Group Therapy').

It's 'R My Dreams'- a totally hypnotic Mau5 song that is so alive and forward moving, yet makes you really think about shit (me: my recent past). It's just a-fucking-mazing and everyone should listen to it every day, like me. Like a dork.

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