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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

'Black Keys' El Camino Review Coming...

My track by track review, with (hopefully) working links will be up later...honestly probably not till tomorrow. But I've listened through the CD practically twice and love every track- some more than others, but overall- it's awesome. These songs speak to me in shocking ways, like the album was tailor-made for me (thanks guys). But seriously, they just make great music. I can't wait to see them headline March 2nd in Cinci!

Early contender for favorite track...

but I've been listening to that for a few days...so it's gestated. Right out of the gate, this could end up my favorite...

Also I'm working on reviews of some Oscar contenders I caught on screeners at a friend's house. I felt bad watching them, but in my defense of one ('Carnage') I probably won't be able to see it anytime soon because I'm not special enough to be in NY/LA. I hate how that works out, but thank God for Baxter Avenue Theaters here in Louisville. The other film, 'Martha Marcy May Marlene' DID open around here and I couldn't get a chance to go...but I really wanted to and it lived up to my high expectations in a weird way. But my thoughts on those two films as well as my thoughts on the Oscar-hopefuls so far.

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