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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2

Less impressive than 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' was the sequel to 'Sherlock Holmes'- subtitled 'A Game of Shadows' because Sherlock mutters it once early in the film. The further away from it I get, the worse I find it. The more empty I find it. Robert Downey Jr. is perfect in the role, it's Jude Law's best role in years- yet both film's have let them down. They are empty, soulless films. I think I prefer the first simply because the novelty factor was stronger then. And I preferred some of the musical queues and slightly darker subject matter.

What the Flick gives you their thoughts...

Yet it's strange that the villain was better this time around, Jared Harris (who is great on 'Mad Men'), plays Moriarty. Apparently Brad Pitt was originally attached to this role- I'm glad he let Harris have the opportunity to show his skills to the masses. But there isn't enough moments of sly, intellectual battles of wits between him and Holmes that would have made this more interesting. the slow motion action is cool at first and ultimately lose their luster.

And why is Noomi Raprice in this movie? Rachel McAdams? These films just haven't gotten it right yet.

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