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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

Okay, so I find it hard to sit and type out extended film reviews like I used to be able to. Even movies I like a lot I can't find the gumption to write about. Does that mean that just aren't THAT good? Have movies gotten so bad we're excited about shit? No way- 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is a mean, grimy slap in the face of the Christmas moviegoing season and I love it even more for it. The wintery setting was as icy as it's characters. David Fincher created another masterpiece with this film- and it's only hampered by being pre-dated by a good-as-well Swedish original.

She owns this role, sorry Noomi Raprice, you sucked in 'Sherlock 2' anyways...

If THAT film didn't exist, this film would have been bigger and even more well received. I've not gotten the chance to check it out again but I really want to. Rooney Mara absolutely STEALS this away like I thought she would. Her oh so brief moments in 'Social Network' were so spot on perfect she instantly shot towards the top of my most liked actresses working today. That opening scene of 'Social' is ELECTRIC I say, electric. The whole movie. I could geek about that movie for a ridiculous sum of time. But in 'Tattoo' Mara totally transforms herself into Lisbeth Salender, and I understand her mass appeal that has caught on. She's a strong, multi-layered character that any actress should have been dying to play and Mara nailed it- imagine Katherine Heigl doing THIS shit. (Btw, f*ck that Heigl bitch!)

Mara owning it in 'Social Network' last year...

Daniel Craig delivered one of his favorite performances of mine in this movie as well. He dials his Daniel Craig-ness down wayy low where it needs to stay. Aside from the Bond films, his macho British bullshit is boring. Here he gives us shades of the character in spurts, enough to know and care- and wisely he doesn't try to steal moments from Mara. This is the first time Craig has played a submissive dweeb right? The rest of the cast is superb across the board, Fincher always gets solid performances through his abrasive but if-you-ask-me HIGHLY effective directing quirk of doing a zillion takes. Every one of the lines come across fluid, and everyone is completely in character all the time. Even highly recognizable faces like Stellan Skarsgard compose the illusion. Big ups to Joely Richardson, who I think really made her few scenes count. She was always one of my favorite parts of 'Nip/Tuck' and wish she'd get more solid work.

Total transformation...I have to say I prefer looking at pre-this pic Mara. Just sayin.

Gotta talk about the great Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross score. It's a beast, and sticks in your head just like some of the 'Social Network' beats. HOWEVER, this is NOT as good as the 'Social Network' score. It's a longer movie and there are way fewer stand-out moments than 'Network' had. I got chills during several scenes of 'Network' (still do, actually) and I can't recall any chills due to the score here. More so I felt chilled the whole time watching the icy nightmare on screen.

Overall, I have to say while this marks the third film in a row of David Fincher to make my number one spot for the year (2010 'Social Network', 2008 'Benjamin Button'). He's easily my favorite director working today and I look forward to anything he has to offer. While his 'Dragon Tattoo' isn't quite 'Social Network' great- it achieves it's own high praise.

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